Login Help
Clever Login Help
For assistance with logging into Clever, visit the link below:
How To Log In To Clever (in PDF)
If you are having trouble logging into the TUSD1 Clever website, open the Google Chrome browser and enter the following web address into the address bar of Chrome.
The address to the TUSD1 Clever page is:
If you would like to watch a short video you can here.
How To Log In To Clever (in PDF)
If you are having trouble logging into the TUSD1 Clever website, open the Google Chrome browser and enter the following web address into the address bar of Chrome.
The address to the TUSD1 Clever page is:
If you would like to watch a short video you can here.
Find Your Teacher Here
Find Your Teacher Here
Visit the website next to your teacher's name to find information about your class.
Find Your Teacher Here
Visit the website next to your teacher's name to find information about your class.
Find Your Teacher Here
Zoom Help
Zoom Login Help
If you are having trouble with the Zoom supplied by your teacher within Clever, you can try to login to the Zoom meeting this way.
1. Open the Chrome browser (or a new tab if Chrome is already open)
2. Type "" (without the quotation marks) in the address bar of Chrome and press enter.
3. Click the "Join" button
3.5. If you get a popup that asks "Open Zoom Meetings?", put a check in the box to "Always allow..." and then click "Open Zoom Meetings"
4. Enter the Meeting ID you recieved from your teacher
5. Click the "Join" button again
5.5. If you have not downloaded Zoom, you may be prompted to start the download and installation
6. You will then see another popup box. Enter the Passcode that you received from your teacher
7. Click "Join Meeting"
8. Your now in the waiting room for the meeting, your teacher will let you in soon
If you are having trouble with the Zoom supplied by your teacher within Clever, you can try to login to the Zoom meeting this way.
1. Open the Chrome browser (or a new tab if Chrome is already open)
2. Type "" (without the quotation marks) in the address bar of Chrome and press enter.
3. Click the "Join" button
3.5. If you get a popup that asks "Open Zoom Meetings?", put a check in the box to "Always allow..." and then click "Open Zoom Meetings"
4. Enter the Meeting ID you recieved from your teacher
5. Click the "Join" button again
5.5. If you have not downloaded Zoom, you may be prompted to start the download and installation
6. You will then see another popup box. Enter the Passcode that you received from your teacher
7. Click "Join Meeting"
8. Your now in the waiting room for the meeting, your teacher will let you in soon
ClassDojo Help
If you need assistance with ClassDojo...
...and your student's teacher cannot answer your question, try going to the ClassDojo Helpdesk. Just type the error message (or the question you have about ClassDojo) in the search box at the top of the screen.
...and your student's teacher cannot answer your question, try going to the ClassDojo Helpdesk. Just type the error message (or the question you have about ClassDojo) in the search box at the top of the screen.
ParentVUE Help
ParentVUE Help
For assistance with setting up a ParentVUE account, visit the link:
ParentVUE: Getting Started Video
For assistance with setting up a ParentVUE account, visit the link:
ParentVUE: Getting Started Video